Education of Workers along Industrial Needs


  Industry is in the need of revising their experts knowledge carried from the academic studies, also preparing them for future needs alongside the current challenges posed from the race of the commercial sector.
  The Department of Electronics Technology (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), is taking parts in trainings for corporate partners (small, middle or large enterprises, including the large electronic manufacturing plants of the Central Europe region). The expected impact of such trainings is to satisfy the knowledge requirement of young and senior specialists responsively to the labour market needs.
  The department offered the following training courses in the framework of the MECA educational cloud system: "Technology of Electronics Products", "Virtual Laboratory Support for Microelectronics Packaging Education", "Multi-Media Enhancement of Teaching Sensors and MEMS" and "Assembling and Inspection Technologies”. The portfolio covers most of the requirements arising from the regional industry.
  On the picture, Krammer Oliver is hosted in Robert Bosch Elektronika Kft, Hungary for a training seminar based on the materials described above. The course of Dr. Krammer is an example, how academia can help to connect their knowledge with industrial requirements of education. The wide range of available courses, and the personal contact between teacher and audience is enabling more direct reception and application of the gained knowledge in everyday practice.

Training Students for Future Requirements and Current Trends


  Trainings are especially important in the field of electronics and for the related industrial workers. The ever-changing trends of development and commercial aspects need careful revision and extension of the academic materials for students and workers alike (engineers, researchers and experts with specific tasks).
  The Department of Electronics Technology (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), developed training courses in the framework of the MECA educational cloud system, which is not interesting from both sides. Students and experts of the field may also utilize the knowledge of the given materials, which are prepared in interactive online courses in the following topics: "Technology of Electronics Products", "Virtual Laboratory Support for Microelectronics Packaging Education", "Multi-Media Enhancement of Teaching Sensors and MEMS" and "Assembling and Inspection Technologies”.
  Robert Kovacs (expert of EFI-Labs company - on the picture above) prepares his team of students on site for current trends in electronic failure investigations - namely, points of investigating microelectronic structures with X-Ray microscopy. The students were prepared previously with the help of the aforementioned modules, including the virtualized laboratory, presenting life-like environments of lab based workspaces. The company of EFI-Labs takes advantage of the virtual preparation, then continuing their education to present the gained knowledge on their laboratory site. The effective use of e-learning with cloud based modules helps the company both as a knowledge base, and as a tool for training students of the academia, a pool of potential new colleagues.

Erasmus+ scholarship for successful PhD student


 The support of talented young researchers to facilitate their professional development trough gaining valuable field experience outside their host institution is one of the key aspects of post gradual training. Judit Kámán is a PhD candidate at the Department of Electronics Technology (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), currently writing her dissertation about measuring the mechanical properties of surfaces on the nanoscale with novel atomic force microscopy (AFM) methods, under the supervision of Dr. Attila Bonyár.
 During the autumn semester of 2017 Judit spent 5 months at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bologna, in the framework of an Erasmus+ mobility program (2017-1-HU01-KA103- 035203). In the laboratory lead by Dr. Giampaolo Zuccheri she learnt new AFM techniques, especially focusing on the investigation of living cells. The undertaking also proved to be a good opportunity, to test her developed measurement methods, their joint results helped to gain insight in the behavior of the cells, which proved to be beneficial for both parties involved.
 These days, besides writing her dissertation, Judit is also preparing for her closing comprehensive examination in the field of Microelectronics and Technology (Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering) to close her PhD studies and defend her thesis. For her preparations she regularly uses the interactive online courses of MECA, especially in the following topics: “Technology of Electronics Products” and “Multi-Media Enhancement of Teaching Sensors and MEMS”. She is very satisfied with the course materials and feels that they enable an easy but in-depth comprehension of the topics.